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About Me

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Glasgow, United Kingdom
Mad about flyfishing in Scotland. I will try to catch anything that swims, but my main passion is salmon and sea trout fishing, particularly on my favourite big rivers such as the Spey, or, on a smaller scale the Teith in Stirling. I have fished all the great Scottish rivers such as Tay, Tweed and Spey with mixed success, as well as Scotland's great lochs such as Menteith, Lomond and Leven for their stunning trout and sea trout. In these pages you can share in all my angling adventures, whether on my own or in the company of some of my great fishing friends. We hope you will enjoy sharing our triumphs (not many), or laughing at our incompetent efforts at catching these great fish. Either way, enjoy. Tight lines!

A Scottish springer, River Teith

A Scottish springer, River Teith

South Esk springer

Have a look at a rare triumph on the video bar, the first spring salmon from the River South Esk in 2010, caught by yours truly from Middle Kinnaird, with the help of Ian from doing the camera work and commentary. You may guess he got a little excited about this "fresh" fish.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Good sport on Carron

A good day had today on Carron valley reservoir when I shared a boat with river-green director and top rainbow basher Ian Walls. Apparently the place had been fishing well even this early in the season, and hopes were high as we set out on an unseasonably mild and bright spring day. Conditions were ideal as we began our first drift in tree bay and Ian was soon into a fish which was lost at the next through a mixture of excitement and incompetence, but still a good sign. Fishing sink tip lines through the morning we had steady if slow sport with some lovely well conditioned rainbows in the 2-3 pound class,  which were taking black/green mini lures keenly when you could locate them. After lunch things went quiet for a  while but picked up again as the day wore on and we were soon picking up fish again in the many sheltered bays along the road shore, with fish lying within a few yards of the bank. Once again Ian emerged victorious having landed and returned 4 nice rainbows and 2 browns, with yours truly finishing with 3 lovely rainbows, and a number of others pulled and lost. All in all good sport considering this is still only March.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fantastic blog-by the way. Sad to see though that you've stooped to lure fishing for skanky rainbows-you'll be bait fishing next!!
    Just a reminder that it's currently 5-0 ( you've got the 0) on the Teith, after your spectacular springer was found to have just spawned.
