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About Me

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Glasgow, United Kingdom
Mad about flyfishing in Scotland. I will try to catch anything that swims, but my main passion is salmon and sea trout fishing, particularly on my favourite big rivers such as the Spey, or, on a smaller scale the Teith in Stirling. I have fished all the great Scottish rivers such as Tay, Tweed and Spey with mixed success, as well as Scotland's great lochs such as Menteith, Lomond and Leven for their stunning trout and sea trout. In these pages you can share in all my angling adventures, whether on my own or in the company of some of my great fishing friends. We hope you will enjoy sharing our triumphs (not many), or laughing at our incompetent efforts at catching these great fish. Either way, enjoy. Tight lines!

A Scottish springer, River Teith

A Scottish springer, River Teith

South Esk springer

Have a look at a rare triumph on the video bar, the first spring salmon from the River South Esk in 2010, caught by yours truly from Middle Kinnaird, with the help of Ian from doing the camera work and commentary. You may guess he got a little excited about this "fresh" fish.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Hard work on Carron

Another day afloat on carron valley today with river-green director Ian Walls. Conditions less than ideal, with a cold wind making casting difficult and the drifts very fast. Finding fish rising off the dam wall at the very top of the fishery, we managed to tempt a few small browns, with Ian landing a nice rainbow too. Yours truly even managing 2 fish on one cast, making landing them a tricky business! As usual Ian continued to pick away consistently most of the day, ending with 4 rainbows and 4 browns, with myself trailing behind with only 3 browns but quite a few pulled and missed, never mind. Hard work in the conditions but as usual good fun. Apologies to Ian for causing him to lose his final fish of the day when my dropper became entangled with his line as he played it, totally unintentional of course!

Saturday 2 April 2011

Nice conditions. Nae fish

Another day on Cambusmore on Teith for our motley crew. Lovely water following rain over the last few days led to a river in nice order at around 15". Jack Beattie had some action in the morning with a fish lost and a kelt from chirrup on beat 1, and thinks he saw a fresh fish before leaving at lunchtime. Over to yours truly for the afternoon shift when I was joined by Steve "bhurka" Welsh, another of the syndicate rods for the rest of the day. Despite plenty of effort no touches for either of us, and only the sighting of the odd kelt to keep us going. So in the race for the Teith quaich, John Anderson leads the way with his (still unverified) early springer and a desperate claim for an additional few points for a couple of baggots he caught. Never mind, plenty of fish to be caught yet (I hope).